It’s been a while….

This week I had to say goodbye to two long term clients, and although I felt sad to end with them, I also feel happy for their new beginnings, and so grateful for the time I got to spend with them. I am so fortunate to be able to do the work I do, to get close to others in ways we often do not in day to day life. One client was with me 4 years and the other 13 plus. Both are moving on to new phases of their lives, new adventures! And I love new adventures! My newest adventure will be becoming a grandmother in a few months. As my daughter grows my granddaughter inside her, I am growing in the idea of stepping into a grandmother role. Life keeps moving along, and us with it. Saying goodbye to clients causes me to reflect on how important they have been to me, how I have grown as a therapist over the years, and my heart is full with love and gratitude. Fall, a time for letting go. They will remain in my heart! And I will remain blessed...