I am in New York City visiting my oldest son. Today is our last day here, and it has been a great trip/visit. I finally got to see his apartment (his 4th place!) and meet his friends. He has been in NYC for over 2 years now, and it has become his "home". And I can see why- the area fits him and he has done well here. He has grown up a lot over 2 years- he is more calm, less mood swings, lots of compassion, and wiser. One of the reasons for the trip was to get him re-enrolled in college, which we did accomplish. He is leaning toward becoming a therapist like his mother, which would be cool, but we never know where our paths will take us... He should be able to start at Hunter College in Fall as a transfer student. His apartment is huge, by NYC standards, all hardwood floors, nicely decorated, and he has the best "roomies", who tolerated his mother and sister invading for a few days. The thing that struck me the most about my visit is the great people Alex has sur...