When you feel like you are not getting the love you want/need

Here are some questions to ask yourself to get at what the "real" issue may be: - Do you know what you want? Have you clarified your needs to yourself? - If so, have you told your partner clearly and without nagging? In a calm moment when you are both sharing how you feel. - Are you expecting your partner to be your "everything"? Some needs our partners cannot meet for us, and we need to find it within, or from other relationships. Examples of this: building ourselves up and feeling good about ourselves. Yes, our partners can and should help us feel good, but most of that comes from within. If you feel chronically insecure, yes your partner can help and support you with those feelings, but ultimately it's up to you to heal those parts. - If your partner knows what your needs are and is still not trying to meet them, then you need to look deeper as to what are the dynamics of this relationship and if other relationships are interfering. For example, if you...