State of the Union

The state of the union is a term I use with my couples on the periodic assessment on how the relationship is doing. At the minimum of yearly - easy to remember to do on your anniversary, is to have a conversation of what each of you feel is going right, and what parts can use some time and attention.
I see many people in my office, who have been blindsided, by their partner wanting to divorce or to end the partnership. Sometimes it's because of an emotional or physical affair, but often it is not. The connection got lost for one or both of them, and they never talked about it . When this goes on for many years, it can literally kill the relationship- the fire goes out completely. Now sometimes we are able to bring it back to life, and sometimes we are not. Catching the disconnect early makes it much easier to bring the connection back, by waiting years and years, maybe even decades, the work becomes much more difficult.
If you are in a relationship, it is impera...