Are women more vulnerable than men?

This interesting topic came up this past weekend between me and my teenage daughter. She was irritated because a male friend was insinuating that she was so emotionally vulnerable, when she insists she does not feel that way. I do think most women are physically more vulnerable then men- my husband never feels physically threatened or worried that he could not take care of himself. But me, I feel physically vulnerable fairly often, and I have felt that way my whole life at different times. Women may be more emotionally vulnerable than men because relationships are very important to us, and if a relationship is threatened in some way, it may bother us more. I say may, because I am not convinced that men don't care as much about relationships as we do, but that is the current state of research :) One of the ways that I think men are more vulnerable than women is that it can be more difficult for them to develop close emotional relationships and when they need support, they have...