April 2012 Newsletter

Happy spring!!! I am getting outside more and have been biking/walking. My sisters and I biked to Campbellsport (love the bike trail!) and back a few weekends ago and had a great time. People are commenting on how "tan" I am. I feel embarrassed, because with a family history of melanoma, I shouldn't be tan at all!! But it's from getting outside more often. Prom is coming up and we are doing dress shopping; we picked one out, but the dresses are sure different now from when I was a teen! At the end of April I will be going to NYC to see my oldest child for a visit- I miss him so much, and we need some son-mom time. Christina Lachner has joined our clinic, and we are so happy to have her on board! I have included her bio in this newsletter. She sees children, teens and adults. Included is our research update, which informs us that feeding babies on demand may raise their IQ, fast food is linked to depression, and helicopter moms are interfering with dating! En...