Myth about Affairs

Contrary to what many of us believe, many extramarital affairs do not happen because there is something missing in our marriage/long term relationship. We are led to believe that by the media, and even as therapists we are taught that "people don't seek affairs unless they are unhappy". As a marital therapists, I have found that this is often not the case! Partners report to me that they are happy in their relationship and often cannot identify anything that they would like to have changed. The partner who had the affair often cannot say "why" they did it, and are very confused about their own behavior. This is the first in a series of blogs I will be writing about affairs. So what leads one party into the arms (whether physical or emotional) of another? I have some ideas...... We all like the feeling of being "wanted" of feeling attractive and desired. The truth for most of us is that we will be attracted to others over our lifetime, and ...