Change your focus, change your life

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, there is a lot to be said about being thankful and expressing gratitude. When we are conscious of what we are thankful for, we are focusing on what is good in our lives (and there is always good). The more we focus on the good in our lives, the more positive we feel. Conversely the more we focus on the negative in our lives (and there is always negative things), the more negative we feel. Is it always easy? Nope. But we are retraining our mind when we consciously set out to focus on the positives. And retraining our minds is not easy, but it can be done. The more we focus on the positive, the more those brain connections grow and the easier it becomes. After many years of practice, I can say that it is (almost!) normal for me to see the silver lining in most situations. But I didn't start out that way. Many years ago, I had a negative view of myself and the world; and now ...