January 2013 Newsletter

Happy New Year! I like new beginnings, so a new year feels good. Problem is I don't often like endings, LOL. But we must have endings in order to have something new begin in our lives. On New Years Day I wrote down what I wanted to leave behind in 2012 and what I wanted to bring in to 2013. It was a good exercise, and made me realized how fortunate I am. Gratitude is a powerful emotion; it changes our outlook on life. There is some research coming out that gratitude actually changes our brains- now that is some powerful stuff! Things are well at the Kettle Moraine Counseling. We have openings for clients, so if you or someone you know needs some extra help, don't hesitate to call. At home I am keeping some of my holiday lights up as a reminder that the days are getting longer and the light shall return : ) In the research update I have included research on expressing anger and how much we change over time! Til ...