When Anxiety Gets out of Control

Because anxiety are I are close friends, I know the anguish that one experiences when it can become the ONLY emotion that you feel. Anxiety can be more difficult to treat than depression, and like depression once you have it once, you must be ever watchful for signs that it is coming back. Irrational fears dominate our thoughts, our brain gets activated, and we feel anxious, "keyed up", "can't relax" "always on guard" "feel impending doom". And this cycle will continue until we recognize what is happening and work at changing it. When I see someone who is in the midst of a severe anxiety episode, sometimes they will argue with me that their irrational thoughts (they have a brain tumor) are really rational, or they will know that they are irrational (afraid to drive) but feel helpless in changing it. Many times they are looking for reassurances from others because it is a very frightening place to be all by yourself with your fears,...