Transition Times

My family is transitioning right now, and I struggle with the changes. My youngest child is graduating from high school and is currently the only child at home (this may be changing in the near future), and it feels odd and quiet in the house (and cleaner!). The years of raising children do go by very fast, although it often does not feel like that when you are in the midst of it. I know they all still need me, even my oldest in NYC, but it's more an emotional need and not the day to day clamor of family life. Being the youngest of 10, I never appreciated how difficult it was for my mother when I left home. The good thing though is that she encouraged me to leave, even though it left her alone for the first time in her life, and she never really did make the transition well; she survived but did not thrive in her new role. My husband and I have never been alone without children, and I see the changes in our relationship. We are going to need to get use...