Winter Newsletter 2014

Happy Holidays from Kettle Moraine Counseling. We hope you take the time to be with friends and family this season. Things are busy at the clinic. Sara Tabaska is offer social skills groups in January, and Layne Burkette will be restarting her yoga therapy for children in January also. Layne does yoga with the staff once a week and I love it! I have started to do a regular yoga practice at home now too, and I feel stronger, have less anxiety, am more flexible and have less aches and pains. I highly recommend Layne and yoga in general for physical and mental health! I asked Santa for some new yoga accessories for Christmas, so lets hope he was listening ; ) In this newsletter, we have some tips on how to be more positive. Our brains have a "negativity bias" and it takes regular practice in order to overcome our tendency to look for the negative. I have also included information on Sara Tabaska's upcoming groups. Be we...