Considering Counseling?

For those of you who are considering counseling, but are unsure what it is about and whether it is for them, this article is for you! When I take calls from potential clients I often hear that they don't know what to expect and have many questions about the process that they are about to embark upon. Most sessions are between 45-50 minute sessions. There is always a decent amount of paperwork needed for the first session, and our paperwork is available on our website. With children, a parent or guardian needs to sign the informed consent and the goals. Adults can sign for themselves, and when it is couples counseling, we request that both parties fill out the paperwork. During the first few sessions, you and the counselor will develop some goals for counseling. Most people have an idea of what they want to get out of counseling, but they may need some help in putting it into words, and your counselor will help you with that. Often you will start out ...