
Being human is difficult. We all have our challenges and difficulties, even those who look like they have perfect lives. We all want to feel loved an accepted for who we are, and that is is in short supply for many of us. So often we think that others have it easier or better than us, when the truth is that we all part of the human experience which includes praise and blame, recognition and disregard, gain and loss, pleasure and pain. How others see us, usually has little to do with whom we actually are, and more to do with their experiences and wounds. For example, a few years ago, I had a coworker that I idolized, I thought he knew everything and was so smart. I defended him to others even when he was not very kind to them. Then a few years later, I thought the same person was terrible; and I thought he was not good at his job and was mean to others. I discounted what he said, and rejected most of his knowledge, even ...