Midlife Changes

Good morning on this chilly fall day. Most of the leaves are off the trees and it's dark early now. Time to go within! With the extra time this morning I wrote down my dreams; a fjord figured prominently, as did a deceased aunt, journaled what I am grateful for, and wrote about some difficult emotions. I am reading Traveling with Pomegranates by Sue Monk Kidd and her daughter, Ann Kidd Taylor. I highly recommend the book and am trying to get my daughter to read it. It's a memoir of sorts of Sue and her daughter traveling and exploring the feminine and also some of the stages of female development. Her daughter just graduated college and is trying to figure herself and her career out with all the angst that comes with that. And Sue is facing midlife, aging and menopause. The Sacred and Goddesses are weaved into the book quite well. As a family we are traveling to Greece next year, and I hope to v...