
I was laying in bed at our cabin “up north”, and I thought I saw a shooting star outside the window. So I got up to investigate and the woods was filled with fireflies. I haven’t seen any around our home yet , so this was a treat. It tells me that summer has arrived, and Wisconsin summers are some of the best. The long days, cool nights, the green everywhere; it’s short but oh so special. Fireflies remind me of the light within us and in everything around us. Both metaphorically and literally; for we are all literally made of sunlight (all our food is made of sunlight!) , and we all have the light of goodness inside of us. Part of my job as a therapist, is to help clients to see their innate goodness and to share that goodness with others. Under the shame, anger, sadness, confusion, and pain is a basic goodness, and being in touch with it is a gift to ourselves and the world. Where have you been kind? Shown compassion, restrain...