Personality Profiles

Good morning! I recently went back to personality profiles, primarily the Myers Briggs, and revisited some of the things it reveals about me. Here at Kettle Moraine Counseling, I do like to know the profiles of our staff because it helps me to know how to relate to them, and also what some of the challenges may be. I do not think personality tests say everything about us; we are complicated humans! But they do reveal some truths/patterns that can be helpful to us in understanding and caring for ourselves and others. Now if you are in the middle of the profiles, thats good! It means that there is more flexibility to your personality, but it also means that just one of the profiles probably will not fit you very well. So I am solidly an INFP. What this means is that I am introverted, intuitive, feeling and perceiving. Introverted: my energy comes from spending time alone or with one or 2 other people, big gro...