Holiday expectations
It seems that this time of year brings out a lot of different feelings for so many of us. Excitement, apathy, worry, love, inpatience, etc. One thing I find that many of us experience is that we have high expectations of what the holiday season will be- the family connections, gifts, meals, church, and then many of our expectations are not met, and we feel disappointed. If we had great holidays growing up, we try to recreate them as adults, and if we didn't have great holidays growing up, we want to have them now! Growing up a in large family, we had a lot of food, presents and company on the holidays. It was a fun and magical time. Then, when my own family moved out of state and I had to create holiday atmosphere, it definitely wasn't what I had experienced as a child and I remember feeling so dissapointed! I felt bad that my children wouldn't have the same type of holidays that I had as a child. So, we "checked out" of Christmas for a few years (going to Florida helped with that), and I had also gone to the other extreme, and had 60 plus family members at my house for a holiday party (fun but exhausting). Although I think my journey to peace with the holidays is not finished yet, I do think some things can help many of us have more contentment around the season. The first is to watch your expectations, about family connections, food, gifts, etc, and know that "it is what it is". Your family may not be the "Cleavers" but it doesn't mean that your family isn't unique- celebrate your differences! Start new family traditions that mean something to you- snowy walks, singing, movies, baking, playing games, midnight church-anything that brings meaning or fun. Remember you are not alone! So many of us feel "is this it?" around the holiday seasons. And if tempering your expectations, starting new traditions and acceptance of what is doesn't work to help you find some peace this time of year, there is always Florida!