Knowing when to let go

It can be very difficult to know when it's time to let go of something, whether it be a relationship, a job, a house, etc. As with many things in life there is usually not simple answers and only we can make those decisions. Others can give their advise and support, but our best answers come from within us, not from without. Something I have noticed with myself and others is that changing our perspective is such a helpful tool in our lives, but sometimes we use it as an excuse to stay too long. If the same issue repeatedly presents itself to us, and we try different ways to resolve it, it is possible that it's time to let go, and release this from our lives. Many many things in our lives can be fixed or changed (isn't that what therapy is all about?!), but some situations may not change no matter how hard we try. BUT we always can change our response to the situation, and herein lies the real power, and sometimes that may mean it's time to move on. Oh but it can be so difficult to tease this out, and it takes time, reflection, trying new perspectives and then making a decision.


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