Aging dog

Our dog Lucky is coming up on 13 years old this summer. He has been with us since he was 10 weeks old. The past few weeks he has not been doing so well- he shakes all the time and his back left leg isn't really working. He falls down and falls into things and then has a difficult time getting up. It's very sad to see, and also frustrating bacause he will not just lay there, but wants to be active. He has been my companion for all of these years, particularly in the last 4 when we have been going to the cabin and he always took long walks with me. His hearing is just about gone now too. We see the vet next week to see why he has been deteriorating so fast. Our family is very sad to see him suffer and not be himself. Lucky came to us when we were a young family, and now our "baby" is in high school, and she doesn't really remember a time without him. Hopefully the vet will be able to do something for him and he will have some quality months/year ahead of him.