I miss my dog

It's been a few weeks since we put him down and I am missing him more and more. On my walk today I saw a golden retriever outside and the sadness swept over me. I miss walking with him, going to the cabin with him, seeing how excited he always was to see me, and all of his begging for food. He was such an integral part of my life on a day to day basis that there is a large empty space there now.

Lessons in grief.

We picked up his ashes yesterday and they put them in nice box with his name and year of birth and death on it. It was very nicely done, but something we have been avoiding picking up. We don't know what we are going to do with the ashes, and probably won't make any decisions for a while.

With time, I am more sure that we made the right decision, and probably could have done it sooner even, but we weren't ready. I also hope that with time, my pain starts to ease.


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