July 2011 Newsletter!

Clinic News: We got the AC fixed in part of our offices- Deb had been very patient in waiting for this to happen. The art therapy office is just about ready, and Angela is doing a good job of making it a calming, creative space. Read the note below from Tricia on her interest and training on Infant/Toddler mental health. Also I just got word that I got accepted for training with Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, mostly known for her book Women Who Run with the Wolves (awesome book on the psychology of women), and I am psyched to spend 6 days learning from her in August. Til next time, Enjoy the Summer! Devona Marshall
From Tricia Schutz:
Dear Readers,
I am pleased to announce that I am expanding my counseling horizons! Currently, I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who provides counseling to school age children, adolescents, and adults. Not only will I continue to work with adults and adolescents, but I also will be extending my areas of interest to include infants, young children, and their families! I am extremely excited to be pursuing this specialty, as it serves a group that I care very much about!
I am currently a Fellow of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health certificate program. I am member of the Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health, and will be seeking their endorsement for a Level III Infant Mental Health Specialist.
Infants, toddlers, and young children experience trauma, developmental concerns, and many other complex issues that sometimes result in emotional and behavioral challenges for themselves and their caregivers. Counseling children and their caregivers can greatly improve these challenges, strengthen the bond between child and caregiver, and result in everyday wellness.
Please feel free to contact Kettle Moraine Counseling for information about services!
Best Regards,
Tricia Schutz MSW, LCSW
Kettle Moraine Counseling
Research Update:
Mindfulness may ease irritable bowel symptoms
June 29, 2011, Reuters
A therapy that combines mindfulness meditation and gentle yoga may help soothe symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
How odd couples cope
June 28, 2011, The Wall Street Journal
Introverts and extroverts can make happy couples. I can attest to this personally- I am an introvert and my husband is extroverted! Devona
'Sexting' common for those who cheat
June 24, 2011, US News & World Report
Research finds these online exchanges are now part of extra-marital mating.
Blog Excerpt:
From As I get older...I have more appreciation for the "muddiness" of life, and don't expect it (or myself)to come in a neat orderly package. I like myself more and even tolerate my inconsistencies. Change in myself and others is more OK, and I don't have to insist we all stay the same.