September 2011 Newsletter

September 2011 Newsletter
Kettle Moraine Counseling- The Back to School Issue
Clinic News: We have had a lot of changes this past month! I am happy to announce that Kettle Moraine Counseling has a NEW office location in Cedarburg. We have a new therapist joining us, who has many years of experience in the field- JoEllyn Schultz- she will be working solely out of the Cedarburg office, and has a busy practice seeing adults and couples. The new office information will be added to the website shortly but the address is N62 W248 Washington Ave, Suite 203, in Cedarburg Square. All correspondence will still go to our West Bend location. Tammy Ricke, APSW has joined our team!! She comes with many years of experience in the mental health field and will be seeing adults. Her profile will be up on the website shortly. To set up an appointment with her, just call the clinic, or email Welcome Tammy and JoEllyn. In other clinic news, Bill Driscoll has taken a full time job as a director of a non profit, so his hours with us will now be limited. I spent a week training with Clarissa Pinkola Estes, PhD and I learned so much! It was a week well spent and I have been incorporating some of the things I learned into my therapy sessions. Some of my recent blog posts are a way to integrate the information I learned from her.
School is back in session, and I have 2 children in college and one in high school. It is not easy getting back into a routine after the late summer nights. We are all taking more naps! Enjoy the upcoming fall months, and especially the soon to be changing fall leaves.
Devona Marshall Clinic Director
Insurance concerns? Want us to check benefits for you? Please contact Dorothy at 262.388.9425 or
On Teens:They need you in their lives even when (and especially when) they act like they want nothing to do with you. I have recently been blessed with my adult son (now 23) who has told me what a good mom I was and how much he appreciates me. If you would have seen us when he was in the midst of teen years, you too would be amazed at what his perspective is now. What a gift! And I can honestly say, I too never thought he would feel thankful for all that I have done for him over the years; a part of me was afraid that he would feel “disdain” for me forever. He has so changed and so has our relationship- we both appreciate and understand each other so much more. So my advice is hang in there! It does get better as they mature and their brains develop.
Love them despite their crankiness, and be there even as they push you away. Get support from other parents for yourself so that you can deal with the rejection without taking it personally. Laugh at the craziness! It all will be over sooner than you know.
Devona Marshall, parent of 3, 2 that are still in their teen years.
Research Update:Parents need to change attitude about homeworkSeptember 2, 2011, Medical News Today
Parents with supportive attitude rather than focusing on completing an assignment or getting a higher grade, helped to improve child's attitude and motivation
Instilling confidence in teensAugust 26, 2011, Fox News
Parents need to have a conversation with their tweens or teens “about being a leader in their own life – not a follower.”
Happiness tends to deter crime
August 24, 2011, PsychCentral
Happy teens are less likely to be involved in criminal activities or use drugs.
Blog Post on Graduation: It can be such an exciting time! But also so difficult! Who am I, what do I want, what’s expected of me? BIG questions for sure, but if we have the luxury to even ask those questions, we are fortunate, because for some their only question is “how do I survive?”
Somehow we all learn to muddle our way through those early adult years, often with scars and disappointments, but also with more courage and sturdiness inside of us that we can handle the challenges that come our way.
Julianne Morrison/Deb Graf/Angela Waldoch/Bill Driscoll/Layne Sampson/Anne Warren/JoEllyn Schultz/Tricia Schutz/Tammy Ricke/Devona Marshall/Lori Landy