20 years married!

We are in Italy celebrating our 20 year anniversary. We were young when we got married and we had many ups and downs. I really like being married to Steve, and because we grew and changed together, we adapted to what each of us needs in a partner. He takes very good care of me and supports me in all things that I want to do; he is protective and always has my back. I like to think that I have given him stability, challenged him to grow, and adventure- I can get bored easily and need to keep life interesting!
Steve helped heal all my insecurities that I carried with me for such a long time, and that is truly one of the biggest gifts ever. So when I see clients' insecurities, I have much compassion- it is so painful to feel like we are not good enough in some ways, or in all ways. Not that insecurities are gone forever, but they can be greatly lessened and more in the background of our lives, not the forefront.
Being in Italy together has been a great experience. Steve practiced Italian and is getting us around pretty well. There is some arguing, but nothing too extreme. The little villages look romantic with the Christmas decorations, and the Tuscan countryside is too beautiful for words.
Tomorrow the kids fly in and we meet up in Rome for 5 days. It will be quite the contrast to the quiet villages we have been at! But I am ready- I miss the kids!
Happy Anniversary Steve- may our lives continue to be an adventure!
Happy Anniversary, and enjoy every moment of your trip!