What am I hungry for?

I have been listening to Clarissa Pinkola Estes and her talk about what we hunger for, struck me. I have heard it many times before, but this time I HEARD it. What we are hungry for is very different from choosing what is laid out before us. For example, we look at a magazine, and then desire an outfit we see in it, versus asking yourself 'what is my style' or 'what clothes express who I am inside', or a biggie 'how would I dress to express my soul'. It very likely will be a different answer than what you see in the magazine.

So often I get caught up in buying the latest gadget or fad, but the truth of the matter is that the joy does not last very long when I buy things. Ask yourself: what things have I bought that have really enhanced my life? 10 years ago the answer for me was our king sized bed because the whole family could cuddle in it. Right now the answer is probably our cabin (again the family time). For most of us the answer to that question will be something that may have enhanced our creativity (a guitar or paints), improved our health (bikes), or enhanced our relationships (karaoke, a big bed). What we desire in things may not be good for us. Our kids wanted flat screen televisions in their rooms; they got them, and we did not spend near as much family time together. Thankfully the novelty wore off, and we are all back in the living room together!

Looking within ourselves is the only way we know what we hunger for. So what do I hunger for? Quiet time (no electronic stimulation), country living, family walks and meals, connections to a few people, and adventure! My answers have changed through the years and will continue to change as I get older and wiser. None of the things I hunger for can come for a magazine or a commercial, and they are unique to me and how I express life.

So when you ask yourself this question, do not look outside of you! Authentic answers can only come from within.


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