September 2012 Newsletter

September 2012 Newsletter
Kettle Moraine Counseling
Back to school time!! Our youngest, Lara, starts her last year of high school tomorrow. It’s my last year sending a child to school, and if feels bittersweet. We will take a picture of her on the porch with our dog like we do every year, and she will be so tired when she gets home; she is going to pay for all the late summer nights. Good luck to all the parents and kids going back to school. This newsletter features some articles on how to make the transition easier on the whole family. I have been expanding my reading repertoire lately; just finished Truman (home spun ethical man), and Glass Castle (a memoir on an unusual family, which made me thankful for regular meals!). Next I am reading Thinking, Fast and Slow, then onto Truck and Coop by a northern Wisconsin writer. With the days getting shorter I will have more time to read, as long as I stay away from TV ; ). Enjoy the cooler weather and be good to yourself! Devona Marshall Clinic Director
Easing into School
Here are some tips from a mother of 3 (me!) on how to make the transition back to school easier for all of you:
- Go to sleep early and avoid naps! This tip is mainly for you Lara!
- Have a healthy snack ready for after school because most children will be hungry when they get home.
- Try and have family dinners more often than not.
- Keep on top of homework early in the semester; don’t wait until it’s too late to catch up. Another tip for Lara! ; )
- Stay organized, both at home and school.
- Spend time outdoors- its stress reducing and healthy.
- Avoid the drama of teenage girls; be the girl who is kind to others and does not put anyone down.
- Try something new! A new sport, hobby or extracurricular activity.
- Have some family fun, even if it’s just on the weekend.
- You will all probably be tired and crabby for a few weeks- expect it and be extra kind to each other.
Research Review:
A worksheet for math-phobic parents August 29, 2012, Wall Street Journal
Parents who often talk to their youngsters about numbers, and explain spatial relationships in gestures and words, tend to instill better math skills, according to a study.
Delayed development: Blame the 20-something brain August 21, 2012, Wall Street Journal
Recent research into how the brain develops suggests that people are better equipped to make major life decisions in their late 20s than earlier in the decade.
Focusing on children, not relationship problems helps separated couples
August 17, 2012, Medical News Today
Hostile relationships can improve when ex-spouses set aside their differences and focus on their children's needs.
Blog Archive:
On being Kind
Many of us were not raised with good role models for self kindness, but that's OK, it's not an excuse to not treat yourself gently now. Perhaps you grew up in a home where criticism was rampant; they didn't know any better. And the people I meet who are most critical of others, are often the hardest on themselves (sometimes secretly).
Those of us who are the most compassionate with ourselves are also the kindest to others. It's a win-win for the world.