
My son is graduating from high school today, and it certainly feels like a rite of passage; letting go of childhood and entering into the adult world of student loans, voting, choosing a career, more freedom, etc. When I graduated high school I was so ready to leave it all behind me, but I struggled a lot the first few years after high school. In retrospect I see I may have been depressed or just struggling with the changes and being unsure of whom I was, what my talents were, and what I should do. There was a part of me that was afraid of what the future held and didn’t want to rush out to greet it. As a middle aged woman now I can see how it miraculously all worked out!- I feel that I took (or was lead) down the correct paths for me, but not without twists, rest stops and detours.
It can be such an exciting time! But also so difficult! Who am I, what do I want, what’s expected of me? BIG questions for sure, but if we have the luxury to even ask those questions, we are fortunate, because for some their only question is “how do I survive?”
Somehow we all learn to muddle our way through those early adult years, often with scars and disappointments, but also with more courage and sturdiness inside of us that we can handle the challenges that come our way.
As graduation approaches, my thoughts and hopes for my son are as follows; be brave and push yourself to try things that you are afraid too, explore yourself and the world, you are never locked into a school choice or a career so it’s OK to make mistakes or to change your mind, you must carve out a path that feels right to you and not what me or your father think is right for you, you will face disappointment but do not let it define you- other doors will open, and you will find your way.
Also know this- there is a large safety net of support behind you for when you fall, so take some risks, dad and I will always have your back
I think sometimes we get so frustrated, depressed, worried, anxious, etc over not knowing what to do with our lives or how to find meaning. I know this happens to me, a LOT. Your comment really gives some perspective. Be happy just being alive and feel lucky that you have the option to think about these big questions in life.
So congrats to the graduate and here's to the freedom to explore!!