Our Love Language

I recommend the book Five Languages of Love to many of my clients, and for good reason- it helps us to understand ourselves and our partners "love" needs. Now some of the book is a little cheesy, but overall I think it's a wonderful tool for couples.
The five love languages are: Gifts, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Physical Touch, and Words of Affirmation. You can buy the book or also take the test online if you do a google search.
The most important thing for us to understand is that we give to our significant other what we want to receive, and that may or may not fill up their love bucket! For instance, I would often write my husband love notes and poems and give them to him, but it didn't really "fill him up". He on the other hand is always doing something for me (Acts of Service) and although I enjoy it, what my first love language is Words of Affirmation (which my husband has never been real good with!, as I haven't been with Acts of Service!). So we give to each other what we want!
The goal of the exercise is too understand each other better and to start giving to the other what makes them feel loved. Will we be perfect at it? Nope, but by trying to be more conscious of the other's love language, the relationship will improve.
Til next time, be gentle with yourself and others.