Tending the Fire

I am at our cabin in the Northwoods where the primary heat source is a wood stove. Since I am here alone, it is my job to keep the fire going, which is usually my husbands job when he is here with me. The stove is small and doesn't hold large or long logs, which means we cannot go the whole night without getting up to add more wood. Due to frequent waking, it wasn't difficult for me last night to keep it going, but I am glad my husband will be here tonight to take over the fire keeping duties! What I like most about wood heat is that we are very conscious of what it takes to heat our cabin and it's our energy of cutting the wood, carrying it in, cleaning the stove, and keeping a watch that provides our heat. If we don't actively participate, there will not be any warmth!
My fire tending, got me thinking about tending the fire in my relationships and also the fire of my creativity and the fire inside my body. In relationships, if we are not caring for our passion, the fire can go out. When the fires goes out, it is often very difficult, but not impossible to get it restarted. How to tend to the fire of your relationships? By sharing our thoughts, feelings, dreams. By supporting each other, dancing, laughing together, doing shared activities, having fun and sharing the vision of what you both want your lives and relationship to look like. Connecting physically is important to all relationships, and this does not have to mean sexually, although that is/can be a component. Touch is very healing and the touch of our loved ones is especially so. When I am upset, the touch of my husband almost always immediately calms me. Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes that when we touch we are sharing electricity, or our life force with each other. Hug, kiss, massage, cuddle, hold hands every day and frequently is a great way to tend to the fire!
We also need to tend to the fire in our bodies- our vitality, strength and wellness. For many of us this includes movement, good food, supplements, sunshine, breathing, and water. To keep the fire in our bodies burning brightly we need to take the time to care for our body. When we neglect our bodies for too long, the flame gets weak, and it takes time and care to get a roaring flame again, where you are full of energy, feel strong and healthy. I just started doing pilates in order to care for my body and my aches and pains, and walking in the woods is good for my body and my soul!
Are there any fires in your life that you may not be tending too that could use some kindling?