How to get the most from therapy

How to get the most from therapy:
You’ve made the decision to see a therapist in the hopes that some sort of change will occur (internal, external, relationships,etc). I offer the following guidelines that can help you get the most out of your therapy.
- Have an idea of what goals you would like to accomplish(you and the therapist will develop them together)
- Interview the therapist about your issue to get a sense if it is the “right fit”. It is very important that you feel comfortable with your therapist!
- You are the expert on yourself, let the therapist know what your needs are
- It’s OK to ask questions about therapy and approaches!
- If you want “homework” assignments, let your therapist know, and conversely, if you dislike “homework”, just say so-it is OK!
- Before a session, think about what you would like to discuss/sort through.
- Keeping a journal to share with your therapist can be a very effective tool.
- If you want your spouse, child, partner, etc to go to therapy with you do to relationship issues, and they don’t want to go, it can still be very helpful for you to see a therapist, and maybe the other party will decide to go also (I have seen it happen many times!).


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