I got introduced to Myers Briggs personality profiles over ten years ago, and I have been using it since then, both professionally and in my personal life. I am not one to pigeon hole people and put a lot of value on tests, but knowing who I am and who others are (particularly my family) has been very helpful for those relationships. My profile is an INFP. Introverted, intuitive, feeling, perceiver. What that means in a nutshell- I get my energy from being alone or with one or two other people, I like ideas, possibilities and the future, I relate to people from an emotional aspect, and I tend to not like structure, set schedules and can have a difficult time making decisions. My husband is very extroverted (energy comes from being with people and social interactions) and for years I tried to change him and make him more like me! It didn't work, thank goodness. I wanted him to not talk as much and to quit telling our business to everyone. As I understood personality type better,...