Sisters! What would you do without them?

I am very fortunate to have my best friends also be my sisters. They know me so well- the good, bad and the uglies. They encourage me and also let me know when I screw up (some of the time!).

We fight, we feel left out, we distance ourselves, and we make up.

They know me well- probably better than my husband. I can ask them if I am being truthful with myself, and they will usually tell it straight.

We have been jealous of each other- looks, relationships, jobs, smarts, body size. But fortunately, the jealousy hasn't interfered with the relationships- at least not since high school when we fought over guys.

As we age, we have helped each other through: cancer (3 sisters and a niece), divorce, death, illness, crazy bosses, marriage, numerous job and financial changes, depression, anxiety and joy. Who knows what the next 40 years will bring?!

Three of us live within blocks of each other, but we aren't hovering around the other's home and family life. There's space and there is closeness- just the right amounts (the husbands may think differently!).

I would not be who I am today without them. I imagine cackling, wrinkly old women telling off color jokes and I think getting old won't be so bad.

To my sisters: Thank you for being on the journey with me. It just wouldn't be the same without you.


Deb said…
That is so sweet! I love our relationship too and feel the same way.

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