Myers Briggs Typology- Introversion and Extroversion

I got introduced to Myers Briggs personality profiles over ten years ago, and I have been using it since then, both professionally and in my personal life. I am not one to pigeon hole people and put a lot of value on tests, but knowing who I am and who others are (particularly my family) has been very helpful for those relationships.

My profile is an INFP. Introverted, intuitive, feeling, perceiver. What that means in a nutshell- I get my energy from being alone or with one or two other people, I like ideas, possibilities and the future, I relate to people from an emotional aspect, and I tend to not like structure, set schedules and can have a difficult time making decisions.

My husband is very extroverted (energy comes from being with people and social interactions) and for years I tried to change him and make him more like me! It didn't work, thank goodness. I wanted him to not talk as much and to quit telling our business to everyone. As I understood personality type better, I have become much more accepting of our differences, and dare I say, even thankful for the differences. He can carry me socially when I don't have the energy and make that small talk when I am just too tired.

Knowing what my children's personality profile is helps me to parent them better. My daughter is more introverted like me, and needs lots of downtime and time alone. And I make sure she gets it in order to recharge. My eldest son is very extroverted, and I know that socializing is very important for him, so I encourage it, even if I don't want to participate!

I highly recommend taking the test to see where you and loved ones fall and talking about how your similarities and differences compliment each other.

Resources are Or Please Understand Me II by Keirsay.


Julianne Morrison said…
I got my "F" back :0)

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